Descubren cámara de tortura dentro de un contenedor de carga en Países Bajos

La Fiscalía de Roterdam calificó el hallazgo como “impactante” y señaló que se investiga quién utilizaba estos contenedores.

Actualizado el 08 julio 2020 17:13hrs 1 minutos de lectura.
Escrito por: Redacción adn40
A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage
Politie Landelijke Eenheid/via REUTERS
  •  Dutch police uses explosives to enter a building where a torture chamber is hidden in a shipping container and allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners, in Wouwse Plantage
    Dutch police uses explosives to enter a building where a torture chamber is hidden in a shipping container and allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners, in Wouwse Plantage
    Dutch police uses explosives to enter a building where a torture chamber is hidden in a shipping container and allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners, in Wouwse Plantage, Netherlands, June 22, 2020. in this screengrab taken from Politie Landelijke Eenheid file footage. Politie Landelijke Eenheid/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.
    Politie Landelijke Eenheid/via REUTERS
  •  Dutch police uses explosives to enter a building where a torture chamber is hidden in a shipping container and allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners, in Wouwse Plantage
    Dutch police uses explosives to enter a building where a torture chamber is hidden in a shipping container and allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners, in Wouwse Plantage
    Dutch police uses explosives to enter a building where a torture chamber is hidden in a shipping container and allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners, in Wouwse Plantage, Netherlands, June 22, 2020. in this screengrab taken from Politie Landelijke Eenheid file footage. Politie Landelijke Eenheid/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.
    Politie Landelijke Eenheid/via REUTERS
  •  A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage
    A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage
    A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage, Netherlands, June 22, 2020. in this screengrab taken from Politie Landelijke Eenheid file footage. Politie Landelijke Eenheid/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES ?
    Politie Landelijke Eenheid/via REUTERS
  •  A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage
    A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage
    A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage, Netherlands, June 22, 2020. in this screengrab taken from Politie Landelijke Eenheid file footage. Politie Landelijke Eenheid/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES ?
    Politie Landelijke Eenheid/via REUTERS
  •  A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage
    A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage
    A torture chamber, discovered by Dutch police, allegedly used by criminals to detain and interrogate prisoners is seen hidden in a shipping container in Wouwse Plantage, Netherlands, June 22, 2020. in this screengrab taken from Politie Landelijke Eenheid file footage. Politie Landelijke Eenheid/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES ?
    Politie Landelijke Eenheid/via REUTERS

La Policía de los Países Bajos realizó un macabro hallazgo al localizar seis contenedores marítimos que eran utilizados como prisión ilegal y uno más como cámara de tortura.

De acuerdo con las autoridades, los contenedores fueron encontrados tras una larga investigación que llevó como resultado la inspección de un almacén en la localidad de Wouwse Plantage, en la frontera entre Bélgica y Países Bajos.

La Fiscalía de Roterdam calificó el hallazgo como “impactante” y señaló que se investiga quién utilizaba estos contenedores, pues creen que eran usados por grupos criminales o servicios secretos extranjeros operando en el país europeo.

Según un comunicado de la Policía de Holanda, seis de los contenedores fueron habilitados como celdas, con aislamiento para ruidos gracias a un empapelado de cinta aislante térmica que impide que el contenido de las cajas sea visible desde fuera con una cámara termográfica, además, disponían de baños portátiles y esposas fijadas al techo y al suelo.

Mientras que el séptimo contenedor era usado como cámara de tortura y donde se halló una silla de dentista, esposas, alicates, tijeras de podar, pinzas, sierras o material de cirujano.

Agregó que las cajas no habían sido utilizadas recientemente, pues estaban limpias aunque no descartó que fueran aseadas después de cada “servicio”.

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