Evo Morales llegó a Argentina para quedarse como refugiado

El canciller Marcelo Ebrard anunció que Morales le informó su decisión de trasladarse a Buenos Aires.

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Ueslei Marcelino/REUTERS
Bolivia’s President and current presidential candidate for the Movement for Socialism (MAS) party Evo Morales offers fruit to residents on a street in Shinahota in the Chapare region, Bolivia, October 19, 2019. Reuters Photographer Ueslei Marcelino: “I’d been covering Evo Morales’ final days campaigning. The day before the Bolivian election we visited the small town where Morales was born politically. The president was due to arrive in Villa Tunarri in the late afternoon and spend the night before voting the next day. We were waiting for the presidential entourage by the side of the highway back. I noticed the cars slowing and I guessed the president would get out to greet people, so I ran over to photograph. Many people surrounded him to greet him next to a roadside fruit market. He bought a lot of fruit from the vendor and shared it. Morales offered oranges to his staff and our cameraman. The president was in a good mood. One person handed President Morales some pineapple. He looked at me and walked towards me as I photographed him. He held out his hand offering me a piece of pineapple. Smiling, he said that I also had to eat, drawing laughter from everyone. I said, ‘Gracias Presidente’ picking up the fruit. I was surprised, but I didn’t stop shooting. I ate the fruit while the president continued talking to those who had gathered. A few minutes later he said goodbye and headed for the town. The challenge of covering a presidential campaign is photographing the candidates’ moments of intimacy and this moment with Morales achieved that. He was comfortable in front of the camera and acted very naturally. Here in Brazil, the word pineapple is used in an expression about tricky problem-solving. People in difficult situations might say, ‘All thatÕs left for me is to peel the pineapple’.” REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino/File Photo SEARCH “POY STORIES 2019" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH “WIDER IMAGE” FOR ALL STORIES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

El expresidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, llegó este jueves a Argentina en calidad de refugiado, dijo el ministro de relaciones exteriores argentino Felipe Solá.

“Les he dado asilo para que entren al país, pero están firmando ahora el pedido de refugio, que es una condición diferente y la debe aprobar el Ministerio del Interior. La diferencia entre el asilo y el refugio es que este último está normado. En cambio, el asilo no tiene normas, no está reglamentado”, indicó el canciller.

Morales arribó al país sudamericano por la mañana junto al exvicepresidente, Álvaro García Linera; la exministra Gabriela Montaño y el excanciller Diego Pary Rodríguez.

“Un refugiado es una persona que se encuentra fuera de su país por temores”, dijo Solá a la señal televisiva de noticias TN y añadió que por esos temores busca refugio.

El exmandatario había viajado a Cuba desde México por un tratamiento médico y, luego de la asunción de Fernández como presidente, como decidió aceptar una invitación del nuevo mandatario para instalarse, al menos por un tiempo, en Buenos Aires.

Los hijos del exmandatario boliviano, Evaliz y Álvaro, se encuentran en Argentina desde fines de noviembre.

Por su parte, el canciller Marcelo Ebrard anunció que Morales le informó su decisión de trasladarse a Buenos Aires.

A través de Twiiter, el boliviano agradezco a México y Argentina “por todo su apoyo y solidaridad”. Agradeció al presidente Andrés Manuel López por “salvarle la vida”.

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