Artista rinde homenaje a personal médico con mural en Nueva York

El mural muestra el rostro del doctor Ydelfonso Decoo, muerto de COVID-19.

Actualizado el 03 junio 2020 19:31hrs 1 minutos de lectura.
Escrito por: Redacción adn40
Fotografía de Justin Lane (Efe/Epa)

El artista cubanoamericano Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada pintó con spray el mural ‘Somos la Luz Memorial’ para rendir homenaje a las víctimas de COVID-19 y a los trabajadores sanitarios.

La obra se sitúa en el estacionamiento del Queens Museum Inn, en el distrito de Queens en Nueva York.

El mural de 2,230 metros cuadrados muestra el rostro del pediatra dominicano Ydelfonso Decoo, uno de los primeros trabajadores de la salud muerto en Nueva York por COVID-19.

Estados Unidos ya superó los 100 mil muertos por COVID-19 y más de 1.6 millones de personas han dado positivo en pruebas de diagnóstico.

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“Somos La Luz Memorial” (2020) #CoronaPark (Flushing, #Queens #NYC ) . .Chapter 1. . We all love, laugh, cry and mourn. Each life is important and unique. Every life is incalculably more than just a number to be tallied up into a statistic. The world is experiencing a terrible time. We are suffering through a global pandemic. It has become evident that the virus finds it easier to spread among minorities and our society is set up to make it that way. Covid 19 has made the underlying inequity in our nation more evident now than ever. In New York City the coronavirus is killing Hispanics and African Americans at double the rate that it is killing Whites and Asians. This might be due to the fact that the Hispanic and Black populations represent 75 % of front-line city workers who are at high risk (more than 60 percent of people who work as cleaners and caretakers are hispanic, and more than 40 percent of transit employees are black). I am creating this piece in this part of Queens because of the disproportionate amount of Latinos that have died in the area. To be continued... . I am honored to have an amazing team helping me to create this 40,000 sq ft land art mural Memorial. Thanks to @SOMOS Health @nycparks @queensmuseum @elmuseo @maketheroadny @greenpointinnovations and special thx to my brother @carlosrodz62 I selected Dr. Ydelfonso Decoo for the mural portrait to: ⁣⁣ ⁣ ---> Honor Dr. Decoo, a Latino doctor from #NYC who passed from #COVID19⁣. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ---> Pay tribute to all the lives lost throughout the pandemic⁣.⁣ ⁣⁣ ---> Acknowledge the “forgotten people of COVID-19,” highlighting the disproportionate loss of NYC lives in Hispanic and African American populations⁣.⁣ Stay tuned for more progress pics, updates, and unveiling plans (including virtual options to participate safely in your own homes). . 📸 @duamorim

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