Así se vive el funeral de George Floyd en Minneapolis

Así se vivió el funeral de George Floyd en Minneapolis, Estados Unidos, quien fue asesinado por la policía en mayo de 2020

Actualizado el 18 marzo 2023 18:14hrs 1 minutos de lectura.
Escrito por: Redacción adn40
Courtney Ross George Floyd’s girlfriend pays respect during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis
  •  Martin Luther King III are seen during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis
    Martin Luther King III are seen during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis
    Martin Luther King III and his family are seen during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, U.S., June 4, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
  •  Family holds a memorial service for George Floyd in Minneapolis
    Family holds a memorial service for George Floyd in Minneapolis
    Martin Luther King III with his family arrive to attend George Floyds memorial service following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, U.S., June 4, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis
  •  Civil rights activist Reverend Jesse Jackson prays in front of George Floyd’s coffin during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis
    Civil rights activist Reverend Jesse Jackson prays in front of George Floyd’s coffin during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis
    Civil rights activist Reverend Jesse Jackson prays in front of George Floyd’s coffin during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, U.S., June 4, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
  •  Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is pictured during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis
    Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is pictured during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis
    Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is pictured during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, U.S., June 4, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
  •  People are seen during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis
    People are seen during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis
    People are seen during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, U.S., June 4, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
  •  Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey pays respect during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis
    Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey pays respect during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis
    Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey pays respect during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, U.S., June 4, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
  •  Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey kneels in front of George Floyd’s coffin during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis
    Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey kneels in front of George Floyd’s coffin during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis
    Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey kneels in front of George Floyd’s coffin during a memorial service for George Floyd following his death in Minneapolis police custody, in Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, U.S., June 4, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

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