Así se ve el Zócalo capitalino esta noche

El centro de la CDMX lució completamente solo ante la contingencia sanitaria por la COVID-19

Actualizado el 15 septiembre 2020 21:29hrs
Publicado por: Redacción adn40
ver fotos
  •  Zócalo de la CDMX

    Mexico marks its 210th anniversary of independence from Spain in Mexico City

  •  Mexico marks its 210th anniversary of independence from Spain in Mexico City

    Mexico marks its 210th anniversary of independence from Spain in Mexico City

  •  Mexico marks its 210th anniversary of independence from Spain in Mexico City

    Mexico marks its 210th anniversary of independence from Spain in Mexico City

  •  Mexico marks its 210th anniversary of independence from Spain in Mexico City

    Mexico marks its 210th anniversary of independence from Spain in Mexico City

Así se ve el Zócalo capitalino esta noche